Concierge Veterinary Care in North Dallas-Fort Worth, TX Area

Your membership in Concierge Vet Club assures you direct access with Dr. Kent Julius and his team. You will get Dr. Kent’s personal cell number and in-home veterinary care. We have included an overview and more details below. Please check the contract for any restrictions and the most recent updates. 

Membership Includes

$99/mo Membership Includes (at no additional cost):

  • Dr Kent’s cell phone access

  • Unlimited telemedicine consults (save a vet visit!)

  • Concierge-level service for all pet health matters

  • Annual Wellness Visit ($250 value)

  • Annual Vaccines ($150 value)

  • Wellness Testing ($300-400 value)

  • Parasite Screening ($100 value)

  • Heartworm, Flea, and Tick prevention year-round ($400-800 value)

  • 1 additional at-home visit ($250 value)

  • Red carpet referrals (the best care, made easy)

  • Total Value: Over $2,000 per year

Our Services

Concierge Vet Club Members have access to a full range of veterinary services.

One Vet • In-home Care • Emergency Visits • Wellness Exams • Routine Lab Tests • Vaccinations
Parasite Prevention • Diagnostics • Basic Surgeries • Pharmacy • Red-Carpet Referrals

One Veterinarian
Annual Value: Priceless

With your exclusive membership into our club, your pet be one of ONLY 99 patients seen by Dr. Kent. This will ensure Dr. Kent and his team will know your pet, his/her medical history and remember you. 

You will be treated like family! Whenever possible, your pet will receive their care directly from Dr Kent Julius. (As he’s human, he is sometimes out of town, booked, or otherwise unavailable. But we’ll do our best to make sure that the vast majority of the time, you can see and/or speak with Dr Kent for your pet’s care.) 

If Dr. Kent is ever unavailable, you will have red-carpet service with our hand-selected relief vet, the same vet Dr. Kent uses for his pets when he is away. No matter what, you and your pet receive amazing care, year-round.

In-Home Care
Annual Value: Priceless!
 (But a minimum of $400/year)

For all members within the DFW area, we provide in-home care for most of your pet’s concerns. This includes vaccinations, emergency visits or consults, preventative visits, diagnostics & exams, and even some basic surgeries and first aid. This saves you the time of waiting in a vet lobby. It also saves your pet the enormous stress of other, often distressed animals in their presence while being treated. 

Of course, there are times when full-service care, intensive care, and complex surgeries cannot be delivered in-home. We will use telehealth conference calls where possible, and/or we walk you into the right specialist or partner hospital if needed. In most cases we will be able to take your pet directly to wherever needed. We will handle the paperwork, phone calls, transfer of records, etc. You will not have to lift a finger.

Up to three in-home non-emergency visits per year per patient are included per year at no additional charge.

Emergency Visits and/or Consults
Annual Value: Priceless

We can provide in-home care for certain types of emergency visits, such as:

  • Injuries of all types including lacerations, falls, limping/pain, dog fights, etc.

  • Painful or severe ear or skin problems.

  • GI Issues that include vomiting, diarrhea, parasites, and not eating.

  • General health concerns like weakness, breathing problems, seizures, and more.

Other emergencies, and even certain cases of the above emergencies, should be treated at a pet hospital. Upon a pet health emergency, call Concierge Vet Care first, and in most cases we will be able to direct you immediately to the right care, and often be able to have a VIP arrival setup. 

Wellness Exams and Consults
Annual Value: $200+

Dr. Kent will personally examine your pet. He will review his/her medical history, and work with you as a partner to decide what is recommended

Routine Lab Tests and Parasite Screening
Annual Value: $150-500+

We strongly believe in early detection for every pet. Because our animal friends cannot speak to us, we are careful to make sure they are healthy inside and out. If a health problem is happening, we do everything we can to find it … and fix it before you or your pet may have known. This is always easier and faster than waiting until a problem is obvious. For members, ALL routine lab tests are covered at no charge to you, no matter how often they are needed!

Annual Value: $100+

All dog or cat core vaccinations (if any are needed) are included with your membership at no-charge. Prevention is always best! With that said, we are very careful to avoid ANY vaccinations unless absolutely necessary. When needed, we use the SAFEST and most effective vaccines on the planet, all at no-charge to you!

Heartworm, Internal Parasites,
Flea & Tick Prevention
Annual Value: $300-600

Again, in the interest of a happy pet and proactive care, we’ll discuss the risks to your pet from parasites, and work to resolves those before they become a larger problem for your pet and your family … again, all at no extra charge. All heart worm, flea & tick preventative care is covered by your membership.

Diagnostics & Examinations
Your pet’s health and longevity

Your pet may exhibit concerning symptoms. We will diagnose the potential causes, either via telemedicine or an in-home visit, and examine the pet, and/or schedule further diagnostics as needed.

Your membership includes up to two additional non-emergency in-home visits and coordination for your pet to receive VIP treatment. Often times, we will need to run various lab tests to assure we know what we are treating and for how long. You will be well informed of, and approve, any of these costs BEFORE any are performed.

Basic Surgeries
Cost: $300-3,000+

We can provide in-home care for certain types of basic surgeries, such as:

  • Laceration repairs

  • Neuters

  • Wound care including abscesses, wound flushes, drain placements, etc.

  • Many dental extractions or gum surgeries

  • Mass Removals and biopsies

Other surgeries may require a pet hospital. In most cases we will be able to direct you immediately to the right hospital and/or team, often with VIP arrival. We’ll try, where safe for everyone involved, to even transport your pet there and back for you where possible.

Pharmacy Services & Discounts
Annual Value: What’s
your time worth?

We offer full pharmacy services. We carry a wide range of pet medicine. In most cases, we will have all the medications your pet will need at the time of the visit. If we do not have the medication needed at the time of the visit, we can call in the medicine to the human pharmacy of your choice or direct you to our internet pharmacy, including expedited delivery if needed.

Red-Carpet Referrals
What’s your pet’s health and your time worth?

We’ll try and handle most issues via telemedicine or at your home. When that’s not possible, and you need a specialist or pet hospital, we will do our best to offer “Red-Carpet Referrals” — where you have a reduced- or no-wait entrance into hard-to-access specialists. 

We’re here to provide the best pet healthcare in the easiest way possible. Our two top priorities are providing your pet the best care AND give you peace of mind that you have chosen the best care your pet can get. We improve the lives of people by improving the health of pets.